16 Types of People on Facebook. I Bet You're #13. Smh...

You probably have one or two people who posses these kind of personalities on Facebook. Some if them are just being funny or trying too hard while some are just there like... Meh.
Lol, read on and tag them to this post if you're not one of them.

#1. The drama Queens/Kings

These ones are the attention seekers. They post things to get your attention and when they succeed to get you, its a waste of time. Instead of explaining what the situation is, they'll just keep numb and leave you wondering.

#2. The Rooster

These ones were taught on how to greet at home. They are the good ones, but they've taken it too far that they now think it's their job to say "Good morning" to us everyday on Facebook. Smh. Anyway, good morning too. Lol.

#3. The News

These people should  never be on Facebook, here's a link to Snapchat and Twitter for you. They always post updates on what they are doing, where they are doing it, who they are doing it with and what they are doing while doing it. Eww...

#4. The Womp Womp
These ones should be showed some love  at least once  in a while. They constantly try to be funny but they never get a grin... Haha.

#5. The "Anti-Proofreader"

No doubt that these ones like writing, But you will feel bad for them while reading their posts. The auto-correction and spell checker were created because of them, yet they won't take advantage of that.

#6. The "Lurker"

Aye! These ones are the lurkers, always on solo mode. They will never post anything or comment on your posts but they read everything and will make reference to your post when they see you in person.

#7. The "Hyena"

The "hyenas" are slightly different from the "lurkers"... They don't ever really have anything to say, just "LOLs" and "LMAOs" at everything.

#8. Mr/Mrs Popular

These ones just have 3654 friends for no reason.

#9. The "Gamer"
 Always sending game requests to people... It's almost as if their Facebook account are just for online games. This is so me... But not all the time, hehe.

#10. The "Innocent"

Every one of their post makes reference to God or Jesus.

#11. The "Thief"
 They steal status updates and will probably steal this one... "I'm watching you"

#12. The "Cynic"
 These ones hates their life and everything in it, as evidenced by the sober tone in all their status updates.

#13. The "Collector"
This one never post anything either, but joins every group and becomes fan of everything. LMAO.

#14. The "Promoter"

Always begging for likes. You will be so unlucky to have a "promoter" on your friends list. They will send you invites to participate in one or two things online and even if you ignore, they don't mind... They just keep doing their thing.

#15. The "Hater"

They believe everything revolves around them, and when you try to let them know it's not what they think, they call you a hater and even swear that you're jealous.

#16. The "Liker"

These people never really say anything, they just like everything they see, including this post.

Share this post and tag them if you have any of these personalities on your friends list...


  1. I use fb mostly as a political forum trying to educate folks about the dangers of placing their faith in a particular party or especially in a single person ie DERANGED Donald Trump . Absolute power corrupts absolutely . If you're too lazy to work, and too lazy to steal , become a politician ! LOL


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