If You Have One Of These 8 Habits, You May Suffer From Obscured Depression

Depression is a terrifying and volatile illness. Like many mental illnesses, it can go undetected and undiagnosed for a long period of time. The longer it goes undiagnosed, the faster the person who has it will go down.
Obscured depression can be even inferior. Those who are suffering from it choose to hide it. They hide it so well that their loneliness and emptiness goes unobserved.
Because of the threats that are associated with obscured depression are so high, it makes self-diagnosing or diagnosing others that much more essential. With that said, if you find yourself or someone else indulging in the following behaviors, it may be time to talk to someone.

#1. Lost Of Interests In Your Favorite Activities:
You no longer feel optimistic on the things that you regularly look forward to on a daily or weekly basis. It can even advance to the point of you dodging doing those same things.
You might also be getting the sensation that you are waiting for something, but part of you just isn’t sure what that is. You are also hideously aware that by doing this, you’re watching life pass you by and you feel deserted because of it.

#2. You participate in Usual Remedies:

Not everyone who deal with obscured depression behaves the same way. You may discover that some people actually live a diverse way of life or participate in different habits that could possibly bring order to their distresses.
A few instances could include going to the gym, painting, yoga, going shopping, or even meditating. There is good news and bad news for people who continuously change their lifestyle who deal with obscured depression. The good is that they are trying to deal with their plights; the bad news is that if they continue to keep changing their life without achieving any sense of rhythm, they may dig themselves even deeper if the changes are not working.
#3. Unusual Sleeping and Eating Habits: 

An unusual sleeping habit means insomnia. If you are unaware of what insomnia is, it means that you cannot go to sleep or you are going to sleep at an extremely late time. The cause is because you or the person who is suffering from obscured depression. Just can’t stop thinking of all the things that are troubling them.

 The Unusual eating habits can mean two things: you’re either never hungry, or you are eating way too much. You have swayed yourself that you are in control of your daily rituals, but you are going about them in an unhealthy way.

#4. Fear of Abandonment: 

It’s very common for those who are suffering from obscured depression to feel as if they are a burden to the loved ones surrounding them. They feel like their problems are only theirs to deal with and they don’t want anyone else to have to deal with their sadness and emotional distress.
They also fear that if they do reveal their disorder, is that their loved ones will feel a lot of pressure and an obligation to help that they might leave. This is usually never the case, but they cannot get this thought out of their head, which is why many people never come forward.

#5. You Ponder Too Much About Life and Death: 

everyone thinks about life and death, even debates about this issue has been held several numbers of times. The fear of the unknown can be really scary. But those with obscured depression are continually inquisitive on purpose and facing mortality. If you or someone you know has ever considered or talked about suicide do not take this lightly or as a joke, this is a serious problem. You need to talk to someone who is close and wiling to hear or call a professional; you need to know that you’re not on your own.

#6. You Find Yourself Pretending to be Happy: 

you need to understand that depression is not just a mood; it is also a strong force that can modify your behavior. You tend to hide your true feelings because you don’t want to bring people down, so you render a happy-go-lucky behavior. Because you have been doing it for so long, it just becomes a habituated response.

#7. Very Talented and Innovative: 

Not all habits that come with obscured depression are bad. People who suffer from it tend to find ways to overcome their flaws. Many of these people are tremendously creative. They are outstanding in so many things, be it art, leadership, sports etc.
You might find it fascinating to know that several studies have interrelated obscured depression to high intelligence.

#8. You Don’t Feel In Control: 

It’s an abnormal habit, you also don’t want anyone to know, and yet you fear that your movements may reveal that you are not in control of your own life, even though you know you are. Sometimes in life there are things that are out of our control, but telling ourselves that and believing it are two different things. It can be draining to continuously worry about things that are out of your control. This habit is what can cause all the other habits listed above to occur.

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